jeudi 25 août 2011

when middle-class families rent Hummer limos to get to the hockey game,

how can they steal afford to buy poetry to their children ?

: : :

i felt disturbed in this suburb

of the us of a minor

i never get what i order

it's poetry in a diner

i stopped looking for a word

that could describe it finer

: : :

out of nowhere

(this could be your tuesday night)

something feels wrong... what is it though ?

. . . every inch of the floor is properly vacuumed

. . . the hair of the dolls are all neatly groomed

even exhausted from work, i perceive something queer

. . . the bathroom is nicely perfumed

. . . the music is tastefully equed

the feeling is still vibrant...i definitely don't feel comfortable...

. . . the cats have delightfully mewed

. . . the old TV has been renewed

how come I still haven't put my finger on . . .

oh, i get it now : you're gone.